Front or Rear Bike Seat, Which One Is Best?

As summer approaches, so do family outings. The warmth, sunshine, and long days are perfect for a day of exploring on two wheels. But, when it comes to bringing the little ones along, you may find yourself wondering which is best for the kiddos, front or rear bike seat?
The time-honored tradition of toting kids around on bikes in a rear seat is slowly being phased out. In fact, many bike shops no longer sell rear-mounted child seats at all. The reason? Front-mounted seats offer several advantages over rear-mounted ones.
The reasons that many stores won’t sell rear-mounted child bike seats anymore is because front-mounted seats are so much safer. With a front-mounted seat, your child is in a better position to see and communicate with you. They’re also less likely to be injured in a fall, because they’re closer to your center of gravity. And not to mention the position of the seat makes it quick to cradle them in your arms.
If you’re looking for the safest option for your child, a front-mounted bike seat is the way to go. Front or rear bike seat, which one is best? The answer is clear. Let’s go explore!
How Does a Front Bike Seat Differ From a Rear Seat?
What makes a front bike seat unique? Well, a front bike seat is a seat for a child that attaches to the front of a bike, rather than the back. This type of seat can be beneficial because it allows the child to see what is going on around them and to interact with the rider. It can also be easier for the rider to keep an eye on the child.
People choose front bike seats for different reasons. Some people feel that it is safer because the child is more visible to the rider. Others prefer front bike seats because they offer a better view for the child. And still others find that front bike seats are simply more convenient. All in all, front bike seats can be a great option for families who enjoy riding together.
And how about their safety? Front or rear bike seats have both been found to be safe for children as long as the proper precautions are taken. For children between the ages of 1 and 4, it is generally recommended that they ride in a front seat. After the age of 4, a child can ride safely in either a front or rear seat, but the front is still safer.
Most parents prefer the front mount bike seat for the simple fact that the child sits cradled in their arms.
What Makes a Front Bike Seat Safer Than a Rear Seat?
There are a few reasons why a front bike seat is generally considered to be safer than a back seat.
1. The rider can see what is happening in front of them and can react accordingly.
This doesn’t just mean being able to see obstacles in the road and swerve to avoid them; it also means being able to see other vehicles and knowing when they are about to turn or do something that could put the rider in danger.
Plus, you can see your child’s face and know if they are happy, uncomfortable, or in need of a break. The child is also more comfortable, as they can see their parent and feel more secure.
2. The rider has more control over the bike.
This means that the rider can more easily avoid obstacles and keep the bike stable. It can be more difficult to control a bike when carrying a child in a back bike seat, as the child’s weight can throw off the balance of the bike.
The control issue is also important in emergency situations. If the rider needs to make a sudden stop or turn, it is easier to do so when the child is in the front seat because the rider can brace him or herself against the child’s weight, thus preventing the child from being thrown off the bike.
3. The rider can protect the child from flying debris or other dangers.
This is especially important in urban areas where there is a lot of traffic and debris on the road. If a piece of debris hits the rider, it is less likely to hit the child as well.
The rider can also shield the child from the wind and sun. This is important for both comfort and safety, as exposure to the sun can cause heat exhaustion and dehydration, and exposure to cold wind can cause hypothermia.
4. The center of gravity is lower.
This makes the bike more stable and less likely to tip over. It is also easier to maneuver the bike when the child is in the front seat because the weight is closer to the center of the bike.
The rider also has more leverage when pedaling, which makes it easier to pedal uphill or against the wind.
5. Front seats tend to be more stable than back seats.
This is because they are mounted to the frame of the bike at two or more points, while back seats typically only attach at one point. This can make it easier for a back seat to become loose and wobbly, which can be dangerous.
Front seats also tend to have better suspension than back seats, which can help absorb some of the bumps and jolts from the road. This can make for a more comfortable ride and can also help protect your child from being thrown around if you hit a bump.
When You’re Choosing Between a Front or Rear Bike Seat, What Matters Most is Safety
And front bike seats are the safer choice for riding with your child. When you ask yourself if you should get a front or rear bike seat, the answer is obvious – get a front bike seat. They provide the child with a much better view, and the parent with better control. Even if you are experienced, you can’t anticipate everything that might happen on a ride.
Do Little is a pioneer in the safest and most comfortable front bike seats for children. Our award-winning bike seats have been designed with the help of leading bike ergonomists to ensure a comfortable and safe ride for both the child and the adult. Our seats are also easy to attach and remove, so you can take your child with you on all your adventures.
Check out what Do Little has to offer. With more than a quarter of a century in the kids bike seat industry, we know what to answer when our customers ask us: “Front or rear bike seat for the kids?”